A opinionated collection of the preferred tools at present.
Editors: VSCode, Vim (Possibly move to Neovim);
Shell: zsh (+ oh-my-zsh), bash;
Dotfiles at zfengg/toolkit;
Version control: Git + GitHub;
Note taking: Notion;
workflow: TexStudio + JabRef;
Teaching visualization: Pluto.jl;
Daily: Julia;
Data science: Julia, Python, R;
Scientific computing: Julia, Matlab;
Symbolic computation: SageMath, Mathematica;
(Web) development:
(Scripting) language: TypeScript;
Frontend framework: React;
CSS framework: TailwindCSS;
Nodejs framework: Express.js;
To be test: Vite, Svelte, Bun;
Coding exercises: C++ or Python;
Web3: Ethereum, Solidity;